the unfiltered truth
of (dot)connect


who we are

We’re the company you want at the party. Not only do our team keep the energy going, but we stay behind and help clean up too. We’re hardened workaholics who don’t see a stack of empty takeaway boxes as “mess”, but as a monument to dedication. Our work ethic means we put the hours in during the day and night if needed.

For over fifteen years we’ve been building, testing, failing, learning and growing. We know the market. We know the people. We know the technologies and we know the systems. We know all this so you don’t have to. We love 80 hour work weeks, battles against time and tight deadlines. Why? Because we wouldn't have got where we are now if we didn’t thrive off them.

Switch back to our corporate mode and you’ll read that we’re unifying the best of the corporate and entrepreneurial worlds. This is true, of course. But it belies the force it takes to create this unity. Melding two disparate worlds and approaches took time to master, and now it’s become our second nature. We’re fully immersed and ready to take the risks.

what we do

We’ll work like crazy for you to make sure that what you want is the best it can be. But we’re not the company that’ll hold your hand and whisper sweet nothings into your ear while deadlines pass and targets are missed. No, we’ll take a firm grip and pull you and your ideas into reality.

Our confidence and expertise are what underpin our belief and ultimately your vision. Whatever it is, if you can think of it, we’ll find the solution. We connect the dots, we get sh*t done. We’ll always hustle to deliver impossible deadlines or die trying.

what we bring to the table

Our deep understanding of business and technology cuts out the unnecessary level of bullsh*t between strategic goals and operational execution. We are your personal SWAT team – uniquely trained, highly motivated and immune to any countermeasures. We plan and execute, and if things don’t go according to plan (which often happens when dealing with innovation) we improvise, adapt and overcome.

Delivering innovation is never an impossible mission for us. We adeptly manage everything from business strategies and technology to legislative frameworks. Our guiding principle: it's not rocket science (even when it technically is).

An imaginative portrayal showcasing that DotConnect’s founder can perform simple stunts while writing the script that controls the line’s motor, inspired by the 'Mission Impossible' movie.



We understand that the innovation business involves doing things that haven’t been done before and finding customers for products before they are completed. We even explicitly name this process as selling a bag of air which must later be filled with substance and delivered as a ready-to-go product. Whether it’s a corporate internal venture or a business we’ve invested (or advised you to invest) in, we’ll put on our founders' hats and ensure delivery.

crunchy Wednesdays hate club

We don’t “innovate” because of the zeitgeist - reacting, predicting and acting are in our DNA. We’re a company focused on results, not the noncommittal empty words and phrases you’ll read in Power Point presentations or see artfully drawn on the walls of a co-working space.

We know what needs to be done and aren’t afraid to do it. The beauty of working with us is that we’re on the outside looking in. We can call bullsh*t when we have to, and then act on it when needed. We’re not bogged down by the internal memos attached to emails people won’t read or the passive aggressive post-it notes stuck to dirty plates in the office kitchen.

An imaginative portrayal of the capitalistic 'Darth Vader' who doesn’t care about corporate conventions. May the disrupting force be with us.

startup agnostic, delivery oriented

If you’re thinking about startups… then forget them. All too often it’s just about the image. It’s easy to fall for a group of bright eyed recently incubated twenty somethings offering to disrupt the sector for you. Ventures like that don’t have skin in the game and they’re out to prove their name anyway they can.

We’re the adrenaline coursing through your company, focusing its reflexes and keeping it two steps ahead of the competition. Think Ali’s agility combined with the foresight of a rocket scientist. We power through, landing precise blows while imagining future scenarios, all in unison. We outperform as a prerequisite.

in early-stage innovations we trust

For us, nothing is certain in this world except success, failure and seed funding. We’ve been there, built that and got the free t-shirt with the nice corporate logo on it. We’ve pulled out our hair at missed opportunities and screamed into cushions as the files we were sure we’d saved mysteriously disappeared. If you’re looking for a company to help you succeed, then you’re going to need one that knows the ropes.

We put our money where our mouth is. If we believe in something, then we’re all in. You have our undivided attention. But we expect the same from you. If you’re ok with leaving egos at the door and becoming an equal member of an intense team, then welcome to the club. It’s great inside, but you have to work for the comfort it affords.

ideation and execution

We know when something smells right. A power that’s been developed after years of building and testing within a highly competitive market, and not just after some freak accident. We know exactly what to prepare for and how to spot opportunities when others miss them. It’s sweat and tears that create the conditions for luck. It doesn’t just magically appear. There are no humble or dramatic origin stories here. Just a group of dedicated fighters who know how to wield a keyboard and deliver what’s asked of them.

So forget the preconceptions you have about bringing something to market and embrace the reality outside the cosy boardroom. Reality is something volatile that can’t be categorised in a spreadsheet. We embrace the process of channeling the chaos of innovation into products and profits.



We strategise innovations, automate processes, create machine learning algorithms and much more. But all of these derive from our core skillset which comes down to engineering design combined with creativity and blitz-learning skills. Our advice: if someone asks you to think outside the box, run! There is no box. There are just patterns. There are the ones that people servilely follow because they don’t know any better. And then there are the people who’ve walked those same paths and then decided to create something of their own.

Conformity has never been one of our principles and this applies as much to our business strategies as it does to our problem-solving skillset. As a company from Central Europe we’ll find unconventional and cost-effective ways of working. Needless to say that quality is never sacrificed at the alter of speed. We strip the problem down to its core, understand what was previously unknown, and implement the solution.






In our corporate mode you’ll find multiple examples of projects and products we delivered. So when you see those finished, shiny products making the investors drool, know that our proud team was behind them, with all their passions and strengths, waiting for the next project.

An imaginative portrayal showcasing pain, sweat, and tears (a.k.a. “business as usual”). Inspired by the “Sin City” movie.



If you want to shoot for the moon then you need to work with eccentrics. And that’s us. But we are also hard workers who’ve earned their reputation by coming prepared each and every time. We’re the f*cked up Venn diagram your mum warned you about. However, we don’t let a bunch of illustrative intersecting circles talk for us because visualisations only get you so far, after that it’s all about the results.

DotConnect’s team on an adrenaline junkie tour.



If you choose mediocrity, then that's what you’ll get. There are companies everywhere overestimating what they can do.  You’ll often find them lurking in the shadows of LinkedIn brainstorming about “differentiating value-added strategies”. They’re a classic example of the Dunning-Kruger’s effect, where dumb people are too stupid to know they are dumb.

To weed them out all you have to do is listen. We live to pull away that veil of rhetoric because we don’t rely on words alone. We get sh*t done, by doing. This embodies the first (and the second) rule of our AI club.

let's connect
let's connect
we (dot)connect; get --it done & make $return;