investing in innovations

Since the very beginning we’ve been putting seed funding into projects spread across a variety of sectors. We know the pitfalls that accompany any project and we’re always realistic about what’s achievable and what’s not. We wouldn’t be the company we are today without making mistakes and learning from them. After all, it’s the grit that makes the pearl.

Our proactive position in the industry means we combine investment, R&D, and hands-on building with advisory services. We work with venture capital funds as well as family offices in Asia and Europe, while maintaining their portfolio companies in the fields of business and technology consulting. Entrepreneurship is part of our DNA and technology is our weapon of choice.

joint venture model

From in-house projects to early-stage startups, we’ve invested in them all. Our model of joint venture building is one of the most effective tools for generating real and tangible innovation.

Our abilities and resources mean we effectively co-invest in each new product we’re presented with. Work with us and we’ll deliver precisely built products, solve the toughest data science problems and forge a strong consumer pull strategy for whatever it is you’re creating.

venture ideas

Ideas can come from anywhere. But we like to be a little more diligent than that and not leave it to chance. When searching for ventures we have a twofold approach: the first is in collaboration with our corporate clients, the second is through our own self-initiated research.

Our focus is trained on applicable innovations that can be delivered swiftly, monetised and brought to market within a 12-48 month period. Whether it’s a strategic opportunity or adjacent to our core position, we co-found new businesses by taking joint risks and unifying the best of the corporate and entrepreneurial worlds.


Each of the previous steps are rendered redundant if we can’t execute what we set out to do. Having been through the process a myriad of times, we know that building and running a company is difficult. It requires specific expertise in multiple specialised disciplines, an uncommon amount of drive and talent, the ability to see things through to their conclusions, and on occasion, a little bit of luck.

Our consistently above-average success rate speaks for itself. As serial entrepreneurs we know all about the recurring challenges that can appear. We work together with our partners to create adaptive business models that can overcome even the most unexpected obstacles.


We’re not in this business to discover the next overvalued unicorn promising tenfold investment returns or to artificially inflate a company’s value. We’re here to seek out and build useful innovations and future-healthy businesses that solve real problems. This measured approach to innovation reflects our engineering background.

We also understand that investing in innovative solutions can be daunting, and isn’t without its risks. So we don’t pressure any of our clients into doing anything they’re not comfortable with and we don’t recommend anything we wouldn’t put our own money in. However it’s market not us that ultimately evaluates the business concept and every party should be aware of that.